# Use Your Body

When it comes to activity, one simple thing that we need to consider is that our body is capable of bending forward, bending backwards, and twisting to both sides. This much activity must happen in some form. Classical yoga is the best way to do it, and a scientific one. If classical yoga is not yet part of your life, you must somehow make sure that every day, you bend forward, backward, twist to both sides, and squat so that the spinal column is stretched. This is a must for everybody on a daily basis if you want to keep the entire system healthy – particularly the neurological system, which will otherwise be an issue as one ages.


  • Rekha Anand sambavi

    March 25, 2021 @ 9:28 am

    I have nerve sciatica ,disc bulge and nerve damage .I am doing exercises regularly ,pain is reduced but still not able to walk normally.pls guide any yoga posture good for that

    • ancientyogahub

      March 25, 2021 @ 10:17 am

      Avoid forward bending postures and do kapotasana on regular basis. For more details please leave your contact number.
      Thank you

  • Vishal Pabreja

    March 25, 2021 @ 10:06 am

    I think thats a very good Yoga tip, bending and twisting will certainly help, already doing it but will try more to get maximum benefit

  • Neelu

    March 26, 2021 @ 12:08 am

    Very good tip!

  • Rajvi Madhwani

    May 7, 2021 @ 5:39 pm

    Can fibromylagia and plantar fascitis be treated with yoga

    • Sachin Panwar

      May 8, 2021 @ 11:29 am

      Yes ms. Rajvi it can, The bends and stretches in yoga can help release tension trapped within cramped muscles. It also helps to flex and strengthen your muscles. By reducing stress, one of the main triggers of fibromyalgia, yoga effectively relaxes your nervous system. For more details please leave your contact number.
      Thank you

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