Refund and Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be requested by phone at no later than 5-7 Working days before the next billing cycle if on a monthly paid subscription service. To schedule an appointment, please submit a ticket to [email protected] during our business hours of 9 AM – 4 PM GMT Mon-Fri.

Please note that if you cancel, any special pricing agreed upon will be void. If you wish to renew at a later date you must renew at the non-reduced, normal price for that product or service.

Please Note: At the time of cancellation your membership will immediately be deactivated.


Ancient Yoga Centre has a strict ‘zero cancellation’ policy. Before booking or making payment, please ensure that you have selected the correct membership or program as no refunds will be given under any circumstances. Ancient Yoga Centre will not be responsible if you are unable to complete your membership or program and no cancellation or refund will be provided.


Ancient Yoga Centre has a strict ‘no refund or return’ policy. Any purchases made will not be refunded.

After completing payment, you will receive a payment confirmation to the email address that you provided at the time of booking. Payment confirmation will be sent to you within 24 hours of your payment being approved and received by Ancient Yoga Centre.

Your membership will be activated for the program(s) that you have selected and completed payment for. It may take up to 3 working days for your membership to be entered into the membership software. It is your responsibility to ensure that you adhere to all membership terms and conditions. We accept no responsibility if you are unable to attend the course that you have booked for any reason whatsoever.

Multiple membership payments may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement. Please ensure you accurately book the membership that you intend to complete and ensure that you are able to travel to such location and are available on such dates & timings to complete the membership.


Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Refund & cancellation policy, please submit an email support ticket to [email protected]