About Us


Sachin Panwar practising yoga for 11 years. He became a dedicated practitioner as a Student in 2011.
“From my first experience on the mat, I was hooked and knew then, that I needed to share this “gift” with others.” Teaching yoga was a natural progression for Sachin as a former hockey player and fitness professional with a background in army school. He melded his passions, experience and love of sports to create a new career for himself. In 2019, he founded Ancient Yoga Centre. He set out to bring yoga to people, then stumbled upon his first athlete. “What struck me most was how someone so fit could be so inflexible.” At that time, few athletes considered yoga as a means of conditioning. Despite being met with resistance, doubt and opposition from coaches and teachers, Sachin persevered and reached out to people directly. They became convinced, and Ancient Yoga Centre took on a life of its own. Sachin has worked with thousands of students from all over the world from every aspect imaginable. He has trained individual Students from amateur to professional, and teams from corporate. He developed and continues to teach comprehensive yoga programs for students, colleges, Corporate programs, athletic facilities and camps. “Preventing injury and enhancing performance is my focus but I never lose sight of the fact that they are human beings first. Throughout this journey, my students have taught ME so much. I have deep care and concern for their overall health, the future of their bodies, and for them as people. By addressing the “whole” fitness, I encourage them to reach their full potential…that is my Dharma!”


Ancient Yoga Centre is devoted to helping people prevent injury, enhance performance and overcome challenges. Designed to complement any health, this well balanced powerful program is ideal conditioning for the disciplined. Customized classes help improve strength, flexibility, agility, and core power. Equally important are yoga’s mental benefits due to the psychological nature of most fitness. Through breathing techniques and meditation, students are taught to release tension, sharpen focus and improve discipline. People experience stress relief and clear thinking, enabling them to perform instinctively. This athletic, challenging style of yoga is designed to enhance any conditioning program and is most suited for the people in pursuit of the competitive edge they need to succeed. At the Ancient Yoga Hub, we believe that there is an yogi within each of us. Some come to heal the mind, some come to heal the body. It doesn’t matter why you arrive, only that you begin…see you on your mat!



Ancient Yoga Centre having a young team of dynamic professionals with diverse backgrounds delivering world-class services in the field of yoga, health and fitness to assist its clients in their goals. Ancient Yoga Centre stands as a reliable yoga company with a vision to grow. Our mission is to be known as a trustworthy teacher's of our customers and deliver top quality services with the help of extraordinary teamwork.


Why Choose Us?

Ancient Yoga is an innovative, dynamic, and powerful system of Yoga that affects the body like no other form of exercise. It combines ancient yogic techniques (Sun Salutation, asanas, kriyas, bandhas, Pranayama & relaxation), with modern cardiovascular training and stretching that works on the Individual at every level - the physical level, where flexibility, strength, and endurance are the primary goal, to the mental and spiritual levels where awareness of the body, alertness, and meditation bring about a complete transformation.
Along with the creative use of Exercise and Yogasanas and stretching techniques (that help in quickly improving flexibility), we introduced Cardiovascular training and the concept of Body-Part training into this yoga. While traditional schools of Yoga repeat the same Asanas every class, Ancient Yoga classes are unique each day and focus on only particular body parts in a class, thereby achieving dramatic results in body-toning and weight loss (for those who need it).
Ancient Yoga is a thoroughly researched, ground-breaking system that helps the modern generation effectively deal with acute stress levels and related diseases like Obesity, Diabetes, High BP, Heart Problems, Asthma, Back Problems, etc. that follow. It is a complete mind-body workout where each class is unique and challenging, so you are never bored. People of all age groups and all levels of fitness practice Ancient Yoga.
About Yoga 95%
Meditation 90%
Knowledge of Anatomy 95%
Effective session planning 80%


Sachin Panwar

Founder & Senior Teacher
Entrepreneur, Yogi by Choice & Instructor with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry. experienced and passionate Yoga Instructor. Taught abroad and experienced in advanced training in Hatha yoga and Modern yoga physiology approach. Committed to providing extensive instruction and counselling to the clients, while motivating them to find out about yoga and their healthiest self. Adept at creating powerful teaching plans that aim to support and benefit each student. Bringing forth love and respect for the art of yoga, and all that it encompasses.
Advanced Yoga Abilities and Techniques
Strong Interpersonal Communication Skills
Effective session Planning
Knowledge of Anatomy

Experience:12 Year


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